About Greene Commons

Greene County is called the “Gateway to the Blue Ridge,” which is an appropriate way to describe a community that connects the Greater Charlottesville region with the beauty and tranquility of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Shenandoah National Park, and the Appalachian Trail.

Within and around Greene County is a community of farmers and artisans who are the heart of our community. The Farmers market provides a showcase for these farmers and artisans to put their locally grown produce and locally manufactured products directly into the hands of local residents and visitors to our community.

Both the Farmers Market and the Performance Stage at Greene Commons provide a gathering area and a calendar of special events to connect the members of our community in a fun, outdoor, green space. 

The Stanardsville location for the Farmers Market Pavilion and the Performance Stage is the cornerstone of a community revitalization effort. That effort, spearheaded by *STAR* (Stanardsville Area Revitalization), is a public-private partnership that is working to restore economic vitality to Greene’s historic county seat of Stanardsville.

Greene Commons represents a partnership between the Town of Stanardsville and Greene County. The construction and launch of the new community venue is made possible by grants awarded to the town and to *STAR* and the generosity of the Tourism Council. Additional sponsorships are encouraged to help ensure Greene Commons’ success.

The activities of Greene Commons are directed by a volunteer Board of Directors as well as an Advisory Board composed of citizens from the community.

Board of Directors

Alan Yost
ED&T Director

Gary Lowe
Town of Stanardsville Appointee

Don Pamenter
STAR President

Roy Dye
Project Manager, DHCD Grant

Sarah Sharpe
Virginia Co-op Extension Agent

Bill Henry                                                                                                                 Tourism Council Appointee

Andrea Whitmarsh                                                                                              Schools Representative

Justin Bullock                                                                                                          Greene Co Parks & Recreation





Advisory Council

Chad Aylor
Musician, Sound Technician

Chris Curtis
Blue Ridge Coffee Crafters

Tom Evans

Whitt Ledford
Local Business

Je-Uhn Smith
WMHS Student

Harold Woodward
Produce Farmer

Margaret Myers
Produce Farmer